Diffrence between HTML control and Server Control ?

ASP.NET Server Controls
1. ASP .NET Server Controls can detect browser's capabilities
and render themselves accordingly. No issues for compatibility of Browsers.
2. Processing would be done at the server side. In built functionality
to check for few values(with Validation controls)
1. The control of the code is inbuilt with the web server controls so you have no much
of direct control on these controls
2. Migration of ASP to any ASP.NET application is difficult.

HTML Server Controls
1.These controls can interact with Client side scripting. Processing would be done at client as well as server depending on the code.
2.We can make HTML control as Server Side control by the tag 'runat = server'.
Disadvantages: We need to code for the browser compatibility.

HTML Intrinsic Controls
Advantages: These controls can be made to interact with Client side scripting.
Disadvantages: We need to code for the browser compatibility.